Motivation in bodybuilding

The desire for good health, physical attractiveness, muscle strength and self-confidence lives in every man and every woman. Contrary to these innate urges, of course, millions of people stunt their pursuit of health and physical perfection by living an unnatural lifestyle that prematurely ages them, limiting their usefulness to society.

 The method of venting your physical activity through strenuous exercise is as ancient as humanity itself. The physically fittest and most agile of the cavemen not only survived, but also seized leadership in the tribes. In Ancient Greece, a wrestler named Milo discovered a unique way to increase his strength and physical fitness. He put a young bull on his shoulders and carried it along the stadium in Olympia for a distance of more than 200 meters, performing this technique every day. By the time the bull was fully grown, Milo had become the strongest wrestler in Greece. For twenty-four years he remained undefeated at the ancient Olympic Games.
Eugene Sanjou, a strongman who went down in history and a world-famous promoter of a healthy lifestyle, wrote the book “Life is a Movement” at the beginning of the century. This name expresses the innate need of all people to move. By following this instinct, people become extremely healthy. But of all living creatures, one person deliberately violates the natural laws of physical health.
Both physiologists and sports medicine physicians have concluded that in achieving the goal of increasing strength and rapid muscle development, resistance training is highly effective in meeting the exercise needs of most people. There are more than twenty specific benefits that can be achieved by anyone who trains with weights regularly and in a progressive manner. 

So, weight training:

1) increases muscle strength;
2) increases muscle endurance;
3) is an outstanding means of shaping the body;
4) increases the strength of bones and ligaments, the thickness of cartilage and the number of capillaries in muscles;
5) improves health and physical fitness;
6) increases flexibility;
7) increases power and speed;
8) helps relieve stress and tension in everyday life;
9) promotes the formation of a positive opinion about oneself;
10) instills discipline and strengthens motivation, which is transferred to all other areas of life;
11) helps control weight and reduce fat percentage;
12) strengthens the heart, intensifies the metabolic rate and normalizes blood pressure;
13) can increase life expectancy;
14) improves quality of life;
15) helps prevent many medical problems such as osteoporosis;
16) increases hemoglobin levels and the number of red blood cells;
While many strive for higher goals—strength development, physical perfection, and optimal physique—the benefits of training go far beyond just bigger muscles and strength. For example, resistance training can help reduce excess and underweight, especially when combined with diet tips. So those who suffer from an inferiority complex due to a weak body will find that this condition is quickly replaced by increased self-confidence and a sense of pride in their body.
Extremely busy employees working mentally to their limits will find that through resistance training they can develop a great zest for life and tap into their boundless reserves of energy. Because weight training and athleticism make you physically and mentally tougher, your success and enjoyment of life will multiply.
Aspiring athletes from other sports will find that the extra strength, new body control, and physical stimulation gained through athleticism will improve their performance in their favorite sports, as well as maintain peak physical condition during their transitional years. main preparation periods. The strength created by the weights will make them more resistant to injury.
“Bodybuilder”… This word evokes a variety of emotions. For some, bodybuilding is a great figure, a way to look great in any clothes. For others, this is an opportunity to quickly gain muscle mass by next fall – to play in the major football league. But for most people, bodybuilding is a sport that allows you to achieve beautiful muscles and ideal body proportions with absolutely no fat.
Isn’t this what most people want to look like?
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Muscle Growth & Strength